Our Immersive Method

Press the pause button in your busy life and enjoy the simple soothing pleasure of baking with us at The Irish Soda Bread Way. It's a deeply satisfying, all is well with the world type of feeling!

Get your hands coated in flour, stir, knead and enjoy the sensation of hands -meet- dough. Surrender to the intoxicating smell of baking as it fills the room. You will first make and bake white soda scones yourself! While these are in the oven, you will then make traditional brown soda bread, ready for the oven, just as the scones emerge ready to eat!


Hear about the rich history of the tradition which was so integral to Irish rural life during the 19th and much of the 20th century. Learn about traditional butter making and the fascinating piseogs (superstitions) surrounding it. We believe in the traditional ways. There are, after all, only four natural sustainable ingredients in soda bread.

You will then sit down and relax, cheeks smeared with flour (probably!) to sample your very own delicious freshly baked scones! You will smother them with lashings of creamy Irish butter and local homemade while enjoying a cup of tea and a chat. Be rewarded with that sense of fulfilment, a job well done. Bet you thought you could never do it!

Eat, meet and enjoy our Irish hospitality at its best. Swap and share stories. Reminisce, make new memories. Laugh. Sip your complimentary Irish Coffee and learn how to make the perfect one yourself. Slainte!

We have no doubt that you will also be inspired to make your own brown soda bread and white soda scones The Irish Soda Bread Way, when you return home.

make it yourself
make it yourself